Friday, August 14, 2009

unease in the heart

*sigh* well, after 6 weeks of mayhem, i am now back in the states again. the early flight was because of a scheduling conflict between pharmacy school orientation and VSET. as a result, my parents called me back to school in order to prevent any possibility of losing my enrollment.

but then i found out today that the deadline was, as i suspected, orientation day (August 18th)...

yet the sovereignty of it all is undeniable. because previously, while on VSET, God allowed an event to occur that, even now, tests my resolve. I enjoy this moment of fleeing and yet, am torn to pieces because my flesh desires to be there to be satisfied.

My Lord God, how painfully obvious you orchestrate things to allow us to taste the worldly longing resting latent in our souls. And then, you jerk us back so that we may understand the magnitude of how sin is detestable to you....

God forbid my desire for him to stumble me.

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