Tuesday, November 3, 2009

i no longer live, but CHRIST lives in me

Why did you take away both of my grandmothers in the span of a year?

But all i feel numbness. and the only verse that comes to mind is one that I have set my life on...

I have been crucified with Christ and I NO LONGER LIVE (!) but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the flesh I live BY FAITH in the SON OF GOD who LOVED ME and GAVE HIMSELF FOR ME.

Gal 2:20

We recite this over and over. and yet, it continues to pour Christ's love in me. I cannot grieve for I have such a God who loves me and who loves my grandmother. He died for her as well as for me. We are both new creations.

That moment we believed, we ceased to be who were were but instead, lived by Christ. even in physical death, we will be raised to have eternal life in Christ. for WE NO LONGER LIVE but CHRIST LIVES IN US!

she was 92. PRAISE THE LORD that she's going home to our Creator.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

looking for love... in the right place

alright Jesus, i'm ready for a relationship... with you

therefore, captivate my heart with you. let me fall more in love with you alone.

let's start over...