Tuesday, August 24, 2010


realizing how little i know of grace
and how much greater it is
i am perfectly loved and dearly beloved
that's it. no more, no less.
i am perfectly loved and dearly beloved
i am perfectly loved and dearly beloved

Sunday, August 22, 2010

directions to ???

tell me your plan for the nations
and pray, Lord, tell me how i fit into your divine plan
you've done so much for me already
how can i serve you?

Saturday, August 21, 2010


BECAUSE we have the testimonies of all these people of awesome faith
THROW OFF hinderances + entagling sin
RUN with perseverance in the race
FIX our eyes on Jesus (prize!), running after him who ran before us
CONSIDER Jesus who endured opposition too
DON'T grow weary or lose heart/courage

~Hebrews 12:1-3 (Annie style)

growing weary and losing heart in my battle against sin.
but the Lord has ran this race before and he is the First one
i am called to run hard after him.

Lord, strengthen my feeble arms and weak knees
you're worth it, Jesus.
help me to see how much more you're worth it.


dear Lord, why now?
why is my heart stirred and not quiet?

and him? dear God, i cannot be in love with a missionary.
it cannot be him. i am unready, he is unready.
why does my heart feel like it's left unguarded?

no peace, no concentration
take it from me, my Lord, i beg you
i cannot stand to sin against you any longer

Thursday, August 19, 2010


from an old post via facebook: (dated 1/30/07)

every night, when i call home, my mom is so excited to hear from me that i can't help but to tear up while listening to her happily recite the events of the day. my throat closes and i can't manage other words besides "yes" "no" and "alright." i'm not quite sure if she can hear the love in my monotonic answers but i do believe one of the best feelings in the world is listening to her love me from 5000 miles away.

how greatly i have been blessed!

even after 3.5 years, i'm pleased to notice that the sentiment hasn't changed.
how special a mother's love is!

Monday, August 16, 2010


mom has just given her blessing to go on VSET 2011.

but God's got to work wonders gradewise, timewise, jobwise. Lord, i wait for your timing and your divine orchestration

Saturday, August 14, 2010

a tearing of the heart

my Lord, i love you.
but Lord, i think i also love him.
yet not my will but yours be done.


you tell me to wait
wait on you
wait for your timing
wait for you to grow me more

oh, my God, how my heart burns
as i wait on your goodness

and i survey your cross and see your love for me
in this moment where i love you above all.
let it overshadow everything else

and Lord, i surrender it to you
not just now, but the next moment, and the next