Sunday, July 5, 2009

Mongolia hairtai! -(i love mongolia)-UPDATE #2

In mongolia, things have been very interesting. Our class of students is now at 26. Many of them have heard the Gospel but very few understand what it means to follow Christ. So far, we have been spending much time with the students and loving them with Jesus's love.

Some girls have already expressed interest in joining a Bible study that we will start next week. It's very exciting and totally by God's grace.

In addition, some other fun news is that I partially dislocated my knee. I'm fine but when I was playing basketball with the students, I tripped and fell. My knee is back in its socket but still swollen for the last 3 days. I can walk and am absolutely fine. The students help me a lot. lol.

With the injury, I think I experienced a lot of learning how to rely on others. For the first day, people had to help me walk down stairs (our classroom is up two flights, down one, across a long hallway, and then down a couple more stairs). God has taught me a lot about learning how to be weak before him (both physically and emotionally). Especially today, I broke down crying because I was so tired of trying to do things on my own. Yet God is so good and he continues to forgive my mishaps and pour grace over and over.

We are desperately praying for chances to share Christ's love. I hope to do it in a gentle but also deliberate way. There is so much of a need for Jesus here in Mongolia. So please pray for opportunities for us to be able to share about Jesus as well as for health.


Jenn said...


Glad you're doing well. :3 Forgot to check here until today, since I got a new laptop and the blog link doesn't pop up in the address bar when I hit "p". > >; Baked choco chip cookies today. Hm.. I dyed my hair myself a couple weeks ago. The box showed a dark-ish brown/purple, but I think I left the chemicals in too long and I ended up with reddish brown hair.

Work is going well. I'm currently working on translating the firm's website into English. :3

Anime Expo ended Sunday. Wish I could've gone. T___T I hear it was really good though.

Nathan said...

haha sounds like the perfect excuse to not run in the mornings.

Daniel said...

ditto nathan. =)

thanks for the update. keep leaning on grace!