Wednesday, December 10, 2008

double double toil and trouble

twas Your heart that longed for me
and mine which then belonged to thee
yet still still draws near to pyrite

so pray tell, how do i belong to the Lord?
to worship Him alone, above all else?
nevermind, i know the answer.
was learning a bit about maturity a while ago...
going to turn back to Hebrews some day
and i must mull over its words
and gleam from it gems that last an eternity in heaven...

to learn of my Lord in heaven. and discover the wonders of his Majesty
i only pray this feeble human mind
remembers to meditate and thereby brand those words
sear them into my thoughts
i will praise the Lord who counsels me
even at night, my heart instructs me
i have set the Lord always before me
because he is at my right hand
i WILL NOT be shaken

Ps. 16:7-8