Sunday, June 28, 2009

now that we're here

i can't believe it. I'm in mongolia. and traveled through much of china in 2 days.

God is crazy crazy (i've been saying this a lot) in the way that he works. I am so blessed to be here.

even after 4 hours here. i love mongolia. the land is beautiful. the culture is deep. and the people... the people have such a need of Christ. There is no question towards why i am here in mongolia.

God has been crazy good in keeping us safe through the 14 hour plane ride, the 12 hour bus ride, and the 14 hour train ride. it was unconventional but worth it.

i wouldn't trade that team bonding time for anything.

at the same time, God gave me time to prep my heart for this trip. i think i'm ready to pour out in love. but irregardless.... some prayer reqs...

1) to keep my heart focused on the mission.
MASTER. MISSION. MATE. right? i follow Christ and then, my focus is on the mission (i.e. to spread the gospel to the college students that we will be teaching english to). pray for undistracted time. especially as we women will be working closely with brothers. (you past VSET-ers know what i mean, right?). so prayer for a whole heart devoted to portraying the love of Christ.

2) continued prayer for Mongolia.
this is a country of secularism and political corruption. prayer to go out for the young people who grow up secular. that hearts will be soft and type 4 to recieve the gospel.

3) unity in the team
team is... interesting. so far, fabian, lorraine, jason, irene, conrad, brandon, albert, n' i have been getting a long. but it feels...a bit superficial. prayer that we will go deeper in our faith and deeper in understanding the unity that Christ calls us to as a body.

much thanks, all!

God bless :D

Tuesday, June 23, 2009



i can't wait. here goes to VSET '09.

God is crazy crazy in the ways he works. i have all of 2 minutes before i have to run off, pack and get ready for sendoff....

this is crazy, i can't believe i'm doing this now...

but God is so good through it all. STP, VSET training... all of it was heartbreak and preparation for the new identity that he continues to forge within me.

And that identity is Christ.

so i ask you all (who follow this... rofl) to pray for us as we're leaving and prepare our hearts.

prayer for:
1) our team. led by Conrad n' Irene. Prayer that our leaders will be kept strong through it all. no discouragement(i.e. protection from the enemy) but boldness in challenging us to grow more

2) the munchkins that we have yet to meet. may their hearts be ready to accept the planting/watering of the Gospel message. that good news will really be good news to both them and us

3) finally, for me personally. that I may never hinder God's work and that my trust and hope relies in him (Ps. 42:11). NO DOWNCAST SOUL...

Sunday, June 14, 2009

STP (ending)

good grief. i can't believe it's over... and i distrust my heart all the more...

but it was a good time... still praying about some stuff. God asked me to consider a possibility...

staffing next year? (please pray)

Monday, June 1, 2009

STP (day 1)

i love UCLA's campus. and its people...

God's still reworking my concepts of others, especially when i EV. i sense a moment coming up where he's going to challenge me again with trusting him above all else. but even now, in my "heading towards broken" state, he's able to use me. humbled and awed at his graciousness.


loving also that the other girls at STP are also really real. like, some of us have admitted to pretty shady pasts.

and that totally comforts me because i'm not alone. i'm gonna have an awesome time.