Saturday, March 21, 2009

glory glory glory

Peace I leave with you, my peace i give you. I do not give to you as the world gves. Do not let yor hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
~John 14:27


I don't think i realize how much comfort i need to receive until i'm at my breaking point. But then, his love abounds all the more and is made perfect in weakness. As in the verse above, i'm not only given peace at salvation. but i must continually receive it. and then no troubled feelings and no fear.

yet this message of awesome comfort is saddening to my heart as well...

when i was at Cal for ETP, Jo n' I talked to this one woman who believed religion was brainwashing (put in nicer terms). But then she mentioned how she felt responsible for causing her brother's cancer because she belittled him for many years of their childhood.

even as i told her that that wasn't her shame or burden to carry, i could tell that the lies were too strong and that nothing i physically could do or say would change her deep shame.

O my Lord, i realized a glimpse of what your heart is for the lost at that point. But God is gracious, and soveriegn, and doesn't willingly bring affliction or grief (Lam. 3:33).

Faye, i'm still praying for you and hope you find your freedom one day.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

sense and sensibility

sometimes i feel as if the hardest command i receive from God is "wait for MY glory"

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The body of Christ... like a Cobb salad

From far away, one part is no different from another. Together they form a unified dish. But look close and one sees the olives, lettuce, egg, avocados... and far too many ingredients to count.

All is blanketed by the same white sauce and fragrance. Perhaps, then, the fragrance of Christ and overflowingly covered by goodness known as grace?

The church body should be delicious to the taste; palatable and smooth. Gentle in taste yet firm in texture. Loving in its conduct yet firm in faith.

One does not see bacon revolting and saying, "I wish not to be a part of this, I don't want to associate myself with the rest of the salad!"

For how can we be complete when pieces are missing from the finished product?

Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.

~1 Corinthians 12:25